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Building Design Systems Before Design Systems Were a Thing

  • Rich Internet Application Developer
  • Coca Cola,
  • IBM Interactive

The Coca-Cola Company sought a solution to empower local markets and design agencies with the flexibility to tailor and localize the brand, while efficiently managing and maintaining multiple websites globally.

A Presentation Framework

My cross-functional team of researchers, designers, and developers responded by building a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)-based global digital marketing platform. This centralized web infrastructure offered a suite of common web services and a presentation framework, a library of pre-integrated and tested code-based assets. These assets served as a foundation for local design agencies, allowing them to creatively adapt while maintaining brand consistency.

The Challenge

Traditionally, when agencies created assets for Coca-Cola’s web properties, they often started from scratch, leading to the redundant development of common elements like login modules, navigation systems, and other user interface widgets. This approach not only inflated costs but also resulted in inconsistent user experiences across Coca-Cola’s digital presence.