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A Case for Integrating Peer Review into Experience Design

June 09, 2024 | Russell S. Lebo

When delivering digital products and services, integrating rigorous processes that ensure quality and innovation is crucial. One such process is code review, a systematic examination of software code aimed at improving quality and performance. This practice has proven its worth in software development, and there is a compelling case to be made for integrating a similar review process into experience design. For creative directors and business managers, this integration can drive better design outcomes, enhance user experiences, and align design efforts with business objectives.

The Value of Code Review in Software Development

Code review in software development serves several critical functions:

Quality Assurance

Identifies and fixes errors, enhancing the overall quality of the software.

Knowledge Sharing

Promotes the exchange of ideas and techniques among team members, fostering a culture of continuous learning.


Ensures adherence to coding standards and best practices, resulting in more maintainable and scalable code.


Encourages collaboration and brainstorming, often leading to innovative solutions.
By embedding these principles into experience design, organizations can ensure that their design processes are equally robust, collaborative, and innovative.

Experience Design Review: A Parallel to Code Review

An experience design review process would involve a structured evaluation of design work by peers, akin to how code reviews are conducted. This process can offer numerous benefits:

Enhanced Quality and Usability

Regular reviews can identify potential usability issues and design flaws early in the development process, ensuring that the final product meets user needs effectively. This proactive approach can prevent costly redesigns and enhance the overall user experience.

Collaborative Improvement

Design reviews foster a collaborative environment where designers can share insights, critique each other’s work constructively, and learn from diverse perspectives. This collaborative ethos is crucial for nurturing creativity and innovation.

Consistency and Standards

Just as code reviews help maintain coding standards, design reviews can ensure that design principles and brand guidelines are consistently applied across all projects. This consistency strengthens brand identity and enhances the user’s interaction with the product.

Knowledge Sharing and Professional Growth

Regular feedback from peers helps designers grow professionally by exposing them to different approaches and solutions. This knowledge sharing is essential for developing a versatile and skilled design team.

Implementing a Design Review Process

To effectively integrate a design review process, organizations should consider the following steps:

Establish Clear Guidelines

Define the criteria for design reviews, including usability standards, brand guidelines, and user experience goals. Clear guidelines help reviewers provide focused and constructive feedback.

Create a Collaborative Environment

Encourage a culture of openness and respect where designers feel comfortable sharing their work and receiving feedback. Collaboration tools and platforms can facilitate this process, making it easier to share designs and gather input.

Schedule Regular Reviews

Incorporate regular design reviews into the project timeline. These reviews should be scheduled at key stages of the design process to ensure continuous improvement and alignment with project goals.

Leverage Diverse Perspectives

Include team members from different disciplines in the review process. This diversity of perspectives can lead to more comprehensive and innovative solutions, as each member brings unique insights to the table.

Document Feedback and Actions

Maintain a record of feedback and the actions taken in response. This documentation helps track progress, ensures accountability, and provides a valuable reference for future projects.

Case Studies and Examples

Companies that have successfully integrated design review processes often see significant benefits. For instance, Apple’s commitment to design excellence is supported by a rigorous review process that involves cross-functional teams. This approach ensures that all aspects of the design—usability, aesthetics, and functionality—are thoroughly vetted and refined. Similarly, Google’s Material Design philosophy is a result of extensive collaboration and iterative reviews, leading to a cohesive and intuitive user experience across its ecosystem.

Challenges and Considerations

Implementing a design review process is not without challenges. It requires a shift in culture and mindset, where feedback is viewed as a positive tool for improvement rather than criticism. Additionally, there needs to be a balance between thorough reviews and maintaining project timelines. Overcoming these challenges involves clear communication of the benefits, training for effective feedback, and strong leadership support.


Integrating a code review-like process into experience design can significantly enhance the quality, consistency, and innovation of design outcomes. For creative directors and business managers, this approach aligns design efforts with business objectives, fosters a collaborative and innovative culture, and ensures that products meet user needs effectively. As organizations strive to create exceptional user experiences, adopting a structured and collaborative design review process is not just beneficial—it is essential for sustaining competitive advantage and driving long-term success.